
White Bikini's Rock

Custom Van Craze of the 70's

Buy The Ticket, Take The Ride: Hunter S. Thompson On Film (2006) - DOC

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Buy The Ticket, Take The Ride: Hunter S. Thompson On Film (2006) was directed by Tom Thurman, written by Tom Marksbury, and produced by the Starz Entertainment Group. The original documentary features interviews with Thompson's inner circle of family and friends, but the thrust of the film focuses on the manner in which his life often overlapped with numerous Hollywood celebrities who became his close friends, such as Johnny Depp, Benicio del Toro, Bill Murray, Sean Penn, John Cusack, Thompson's wife Anita, son Juan, former Senators George McGovern and Gary Hart, writers Tom Wolfe and William F. Buckley, actors Gary Busey and Harry Dean Stanton, and the illustrator Ralph Steadman among others.

The King of Cool

I watched Papillon (1973) over the weekend. What a great actor...I think I'll go on a McQueen marathon...starting with Le Mans (1971) and then The Getaway (1972)...his favorite bike was a BSA Spitfire Hornet dirt bike too. The King of Cool.


The Jesus Trip